TimeDependency: DictionaryTimeDependencyType;
The TimeDependency property determines a mode, in which elements actual period is formed.
Executing the example requires the MDM repository NSI_1 that contains an MDM dictionary with the Dict_1 identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Dict: IRdsDictionary;
Attrs: IRdsAttributes;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("Dict_1", MB.ItemById("NSI_1").Key).Edit;
Dict := MObj As IRdsDictionary;
Dict.TimeDependent := True;
Dict.TimeDependency := DictionaryTimeDependencyType.TimeMutable;
Attrs := Dict.Attributes;
Attrs.FindById("INDATE").TimeDependent := True;
Attrs.FindById("OUTDATE").TimeDependent := True;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example elements indicate whether they are changed in time in the Dict_1 dictionary. To control history of elements change, a manual forming of actual period is available, also time is counted in periods.
See also: