

The MetaAttributeKind enumeration contains types of system dictionary attribute.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values


Brief description

0 None. Type is not defined.
1 Common. Simple attribute.
2 Reference. Reference type attribute.
4 Collection. Attribute with multiple values.
8 Key. Key.
16 Index. Index for attribute multiple values.
32 Base. Basic attribute.
64 Dimension. Reference to dictionary.
96 BaseDimension. Basic attribute that is a reference to dictionary.
128 Revision. Revision.
256 Factor. Factor.
512 CalendarLevel. Type of calendar hierarchy.
1024 CalendarDate. Date.
2048 Scenario. Scenario.
4096 Unit. Units.
8192 Value. Value.
16384 Identity. Autoincrement attribute.
32768 Children. Child attribute.
32772 ChildrenCollection. Child attribute with multiple values.
65536 Parent. Attribute with child attributes.
65638 ParentReference. Reference type attribute with child attributes.
131072 Name. Name.
139264 NameValue. Attribute that is a name or value.
262144 Restricted. Attribute that cannot be changed.
524288 User. User.
1048576 Object. Object.
2097152 Comment. Comment.
4194304 Mnemo. Mnemonic.
16777216 Version. Version of table MDM dictionary element.

See also:

Rds Assembly Enumerations