
Assembly: Rds;


The RdsDictionaryFilterConditions class is used to work with a collection of filters that are used to select dictionary elements.

Class object properties inherited from IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions

  Property name Brief description
The Count property returns the number of filters in the collection.
The Item property returns a filter from the collection by index.

Class object methods inherited from IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions

  Method name Brief description
The Add method adds a filter to the collection by the specified attribute.
The AddAttribute method adds a filter to the collection by the specified attribute identifier.
The Assign method copies parameters of the filters collection.
The Clear method clears the collection of filters.
FindByAttribute The FindByAttribute method returns filter for a specified attribute.
The LoadFrom method loads XML parameters of the filters collection.
The Remove method removes filter from collection by its index.
The SaveTo method saves the collection of filters in XML format.

See also:

Rds Assembly Classes