
Assembly: Python;


The IPythonDictionary interface is used to work with Python language data type that is a dictionary.

Inheritance Hierarchy




A Python dictionary is an non-organized collection of various objects accessed by key. Dictionary elements can be changed. It is also available to add new key-value pairs or remove the existing ones.

The PythonDictionary Fore class is used to create a Python dictionary.


  Property name Brief description
Item The Item property returns the value with the specified key from the dictionary.
Keys The Keys property returns the list of all dictionary keys.
Length The Length property returns the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary.
Values The Values property returns the list of all dictionary values.

Properties inherited from IPythonObject

  Property name Brief description
Type The Type property returns object type.


  Method name Brief description
Clear The Clear method deletes all values from the dictionary.
Pop The Pop method removes the element with the specified key from the dictionary and returns its value.
Update The Update method updates a dictionary by adding a new element to it containing the specified key-value pair.

See also:

Python Assembly Interfaces