
Assembly: Python;


The PythonUtils class implements the object that is used to execute functions in the Python language.


To execute a function in the Python language:

  1. Create an instance of the PythonUtils class.

  2. Set path to Python modules for the obtained object using the AddFolderToPythonPath method.

  3. Execute the Python function and get result using the Invoke method.

Class object methods inherited from IPythonUtils

  Method name Brief description
AddFolderToPythonPath The AddFolderToPythonPath method adds the specified folder to the folders list to search for Python modules.
Invoke The Invoke method executes function in the Python language and returns result of its work.
InvokeModule The InvokeModule method executes the function stored in a Python module and returns result of its work.

See also:

Python Assembly Classes