

OnExecute(Runtime: IMsUORuntime);


Runtime. The current calculation of custom optimization problem.


The OnExecute method implements the event that occurs during custom optimization problem calculation in each calendar point of the forecasting period.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a modeling container containing a custom optimization model. The problem should have a unit that implements a custom algorithm. Consider the example of this unit contents.

Add links to the Metabase, Ms, Ui, and Xml system assemblies.

Public Class UserClass: Object, IMsUserOptimizationCallback
    Private m_iValue: Integer = 0;
    Private m_strLog: String;

    Public Sub OnLoad(Xml: IXMLDOMElement);
        m_iValue := xml.getAttribute("CAT");
    End Sub OnLoad;

    Public Sub OnSave(Xml: IXMLDOMElement);
    End Sub OnSave;

    Public Sub OnBeforeExecute(Calculation: IMsMethodCalculation; Coord: IMsFormulaTransformCoord; Problem: IMsUserOptimizationProblem);
    End Sub OnBeforeExecute;

    Public Sub OnExecute(Runtime: IMsUORuntime);
        pControl: IMsUORuntimeControlTerm;
        pConstraint: IMsUORuntimeConstraint;
        pControl := Runtime.ControlVariables.Item(0);
        pConstraint := Runtime.Constraints.Item(0);
        // Display information about problem calculation in the information dialog box
        LogLine("Date: " + CultureInfo.Current.FormatShortDate(Runtime.Calculation.CurrentPoint));
        LogLine("Controlling variable: " + pControl.GenerateString + " = " + (pControl.Value As String) + " (" + m_iValue.ToString + ")");
        LogLine("Constraint expression: " + pConstraint.GenerateStringL + " <= " + pConstraint.GenerateStringM + " <= " + pConstraint.GenerateStringH);
        LogLine("Expression value: " + (pConstraint.ExecuteL As String) + " <= " + (pConstraint.ExecuteM As String) + " <= " + (pConstraint.ExecuteH As String));
        LogLine("Criterion function: " + Runtime.CriterionFunction.GenerateString + " = " + (Runtime.CriterionFunction.Execute As String));
    End Sub OnExecute;

    Public Sub OnAfterExecute(Calculation: IMsMethodCalculation; Coord: IMsFormulaTransformCoord; Problem: IMsUserOptimizationProblem);
    End Sub OnAfterExecute;

    Public Sub OnSetupParams(Params: IMsModelParams);
    End Sub OnSetupParams;

    Private Sub ResetLog;
        m_strLog := "";
    End Sub ResetLog;

    Private Sub LogLine(strLine: String);
        If Not m_strLog.IsEmpty Then
            m_strLog := m_strLog + #13 + #10;
        End If;
        m_strLog := m_strLog + strLine;
    End Sub LogLine;
End Class UserClass;

After the custom optimization problem is started, and the Fore example is executed, the information dialog box opens that contains values of calculation options in each calendar point of the forecasting period.

See also:
