

Apply(Stub: IVariableStub, SelSet: IDimSelectionSet, [ParamValues: IMetabaseObjectParamValues = Null]): IDimSelectionSet;


Stub. Data source.

SelSet. Collection of dimension selections.

ParamValues. Collection of dimension parameter values.


The Apply method applies selection of data source controlling dimension elements to change a set of controlled dimension elements.


The ParamValues parameter is set to Null by default.

Before using the method make sure that the IMsSelectionControl.IsActive property is set to True.

This method supports dependency between controlling dimensions and controlled dimensions. For example, if the A dimension controls the B dimension, and the B dimension controls the C dimension, then when elements of the A dimension are selected, the set of elements of the B dimension will change. The selection of elements of the B dimension will be used to change the set of elements of the C dimension.

To get the list of data source dimensions, use the IMsSelectionControl.GetStubSel method.

To select the controlling dimension, use the DimSelectionSetFactory class and the following methods: IDimSelectionSetFactory.CreateDimSelectionSet, IDimSelectionSet.Add, IDimSelection.SelectElement.


The method use is given in the example for IMsSelectionControl.GetStubSel.

See also:
