

DataRevisionOrigin: String;


The DataRevisionOrigin property returns key of the object that initializes cube data changes.


Cube changes can be initialized by the Interactive Data Entry Forms and Calculation Algorithms extensions:

Key of the object that initializes data changes can be obtained only via a cube data saving handler connected to the cube. To connect the handler, use the IStandardCube.SetDefaultCallback property.

The example of cube data saving handler using the ICubeCallbackSaveArgument.Origin property:

Public Class CubeSaveCallBack: CubeCallBack
    // Handle event that occurs before saving cube
    Sub OnBeforeSave(callbackSaveArg: ICubeCallbackBeforeSaveArgument);
        Debug.WriteLine("Event that occurs before saving cube is executed");
    End Sub OnBeforeSave;

    // Handle event that occurs after saving cube data
    Sub OnAfterSave(callbackSaveArg: ICubeCallbackSaveArgument);
        Debug.WriteLine("Key of the object that changed cube data: " + callbackSaveArg.Origin);
        Debug.WriteLine("Event that occurred after saving cube is executed");
    End Sub OnAfterSave;
End Class CubeSaveCallBack;

After executing the example the key of the object that changed cube data on cube saving is obtained.

See also:
