

MinimumSupport: Double;


The MinimumSupport property determines minimum support.


Measurement units, in which this parameter is set, are determined by the IDmAssociationRules.UseSupportPercent property.

Minimum confidence level is determined by the IDmAssociationRules.MinimumConfidence property.

Values for the minimum support and the minimum confidence parameters are selected to limit the number of found associations. If a support has large value, algorithms find associations, well-known by the analysts or so evident that there is no sense in executing such analysis. On the other hand, low support value causes generation of plenty of associations, which needs substantial calculating resources. Nevertheless, most of the interesting associations are found on the low support threshold value. Though too low support value causes statistically baseless generation of associations.

Consider the following statement: 75% of transactions containing bread also contain milk. 3% of all transactions contain both articles. 75% is the confidence level, 3% is the support.


The property use is given in the example for IDmAssociationRules.Objects.

See also:
