
Assembly: Ms;


The MsUserOptimizationProblem class is used to set up a custom optimization problem.

Properties inherited from IMsUserOptimizationProblem

  Property name Brief description
CallbackAssembly The CallbackAssembly property determines an assembly with a class used for custom algorithm execution.
CallbackClass The CallbackClass property determines a class for custom algorithm execution.
Constraints The Constraints property returns the collection of constraints of criterion function.

Properties inherited from IMsBaseOptimizationProblem

  Property name Brief description
ControlTransform The ControlTransform property returns calculation options of the model with criterion function.
ControlVariables The ControlVariables property returns the collection of controlling variables.
CriterionFunction The CriterionFunction property returns criterion function.
CriterionFunctionResults The CriterionFunctionResults property returns criterion function calculation result.
Level The Level property determines calendar level that should be used for problem calculation.
Operands The PhaseVariables property returns the collection of phase variables.
Problem The Problem property returns the modeling problem used for calculation.

Properties inherited from IMsProblemDetails

  Property name Brief description
Period The Period property returns an object that determines parameters of sample and forecast periods for modeling problem.

See also:

Ms Assembly Classes