
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsProblem interface is used to work with a modeling problem.


A modeling problem is an object that calculates one by one models from calculation chain to get output data in output variables. After calculation model calculation results are loaded to variables.

Properties inherited from IMsProblem

  Property name Brief description
AdditionalDetails The AdditionalDetails property returns the collection of additional parameters of problem calculation.
Details The Details property determines basic parameters of problem calculation.
DimensionFix The DimensionFix property returns the collection of fixed dimensions included in variables, data of which will be used for problem calculation.
EditMetaModel The EditMetaModel property returns internal model.
MetaModel The MetaModel property determines the metamodel that contains problem calculation chain.
PointwiseSettings The PointwiseSettings property returns pointwise model calculation options.
Scenarios The Scenarios property returns a collection of scripts, in accordance with which the given problem should be calculated.
UseCubes The UseCubes property determines whether cubes should be used for reports by variables.
UseSavedCoefficients The UseSavedCoefficients property determines whether saved model coefficients should be used for problem calculation.
ValueFlag The ValueFlag property determines value of the flag that is used to mark changed values.
VariableStubs The VariableStubs property returns a collection of variables, which data is used for problem calculation.
Workspace The Workspace property determines the problem workspace.
WorkspaceDescriptor The WorkspaceDescriptor property determines the object that contains problem workspace description.

Properties inherited from IValidationFilterModel

  Property name Brief description


The Settings property returns validation settings.

Properties inherited from IVirtualMetaObject

  Property name Brief description


The Description property determines object description.


The MetabaseObject property determines a repository object that stores an object.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines the object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property determines the object name.

Methods inherited from IMsProblem

  Method name Brief description
The Calculate method creates an object that calculates the problem.
The Convert method transforms the metamodel calculated by a problem into an internal one without use of objects and vice versa.
The CreateCalculationSettings method creates an object that contains settings used for problem calculation.
The CreateMetaModel method creates an internal metamodel.
The CreateVariablesReport property creates a report on modeling problem variables.
The RestoreLaner method restores working area of time series database from a problem.

See also:

Ms Assembly Classes