

OnUpdateText(Sender: IMsExpressionEdit; Args: ITermEventArgs);


Sender. Component that has generated the event.

Args. Event arguments.


The OnUpdateText event occurs on converting the internal view of expression into the external one.


The OnUpdateText event is called for the custom terms, the formula and the text of which match. It enables the user to transform the expression, stored in the internal view, into the external one.

The event is triggered by changes of the entire expression, but not its properties.

Converting the internal view into the external one takes place for example on change the formula in the MsExpressionEdit component via the IMsExpressionEdit.Expression property.


This example is a handler of the OnUpdateText event for the MsExpressionEdit component with the MsExpressionEdit1 identifier.

Sub MsExpressionEdit1OnUpdateText(Sender: IMsExpressionEdit; Args: ITermEventArgs);
    If Args.Term = Null Then
    End If;
    Args.Term.IsHyperlink := True;
    debug.WriteLine(Expression delimiters:  + Sender.HeavyDelimiters + );
    debug.WriteLine(Words delimiter in the expression:  + Sender.LightDelimiters + );
    debug.WriteLine(Maximum number of words in the expression:  + Sender.MaxTermWordCount.ToString + );
End Sub MsExpressionEdit1OnUpdateText;

After executing the example the expression delimiters data, the data of the words delimiters in the expression and the maximum words number in the expression data is displayed in the console window. Expressions are displayed as hyperlinks.

See also:
