About the Java Assembly

Java is a cross-platform programming language used for development in various areas: Android-based mobile applications, server and web applications, development tools, big data processing systems, scientific applications, and so on. Being multifunctional and flexible, Java can significantly enhance capabilities of applications developed in Foresight Analytics Platform.

This section contains description of the Java assembly that is used to execute functions implemented in the Java programming language. To work with Java, install Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later, then set it up. For details about installation and setup see the Connecting External Modules to Foresight Analytics Platform subsection.

Main interfaces of the Java assembly are:

Java functions can also be executed using the Invoke or InvokeModule static method of the Java class.

The rest of the assembly interfaces are used to work with objects of the Java language types and can be obtained or sent to Java functions.

For more details about working with the assembly see the following subsections:

See also:

Java Assembly Interfaces | Java Assembly Enumerations | Java Assembly Classes