

The JavaType enumeration contains a data type that can be stored in an object.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Unknown. Type is undefined.
1 Bool. Logical value.
2 Byte. Integer numbers in the range [-128, 127].
3 Char. One character in the UTF-16 encoding.
4 Short. Integer numbers in the range [-32768, 32767].
5 Int. Integer numbers in the range [-2147483648, 2147483647].
6 Long. Integer numbers in the range [–9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775 807].
7 Float. A number with a floating point in the range [-3.4*10^38, 3.4*10^38].
8 Double. A number with a floating point in the range [±4.9*10^324 to ±1.8^10^308].
9 String. String value.
10 Array. Array of values.
11 Class_. Object of any class.

See also:

Java Assembly Enumerations