

The IScheduledEvent interface contains properties and methods used to work with the task execution event scheduled for future.


  Property name Brief description
IsLast The property is not implemented.
Period The Period property returns parameters of the task calculation period, for which the given event was scheduled.
StartDateTime The StartDateTime property returns date and time, at which the event launching was scheduled.
TaskId The TaskId property returns identifier of the task, for the execution of which the given event was scheduled.
TaskKey The TaskKey property returns key of the task, for the execution of which the given event was scheduled.

Properties inherited from IScheduledInvoke

  Property name Brief description
Value The Value property returns the task event parameters represented as the value array.


  Method name Brief description
Bind The Bind property returns parameters of the task, for the execution of which the given event was scheduled.

Methods inherited from IScheduledInvoke

  Method name Brief description
Invoke The Invoke method generates the task event.
Next The Next method returns parameters of the task execution events scheduled for future.

See also:

Fore Assembly Interfaces