
Assembly: Fore;


The IEtlTemplates interface is used to work with collection of custom templates of the ETL task sources or consumers.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get object of this type, use ISharedParams.EtlTemplates.

To work with custom report of the ETL task provider or consumer, use the IEtlTemplate interface.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of custom templates of the ETL task providers or consumers.
Item The Item property returns custom template of the ETL task source or consumer by its index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds new custom template of the ETL task source or consumer in collection.
Clear The Clear method clears the collection of custom templates of the ETL task providers or consumers.
FindById The FindById method searches custom template of the ETL task provider or consumer by its identifier.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches custom template of the ETL task source or consumer by its key.
Remove The Remove method removes custom templates of the ETL task provider or consumer by its index.
RemoveById The RemoveById method removes custom template of the ETL task source or consumer by its identifier.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes custom templates of the ETL task provider or consumer by its key.

See also:

Fore Assembly Interfaces