

Run(Instance: String; Arguments: String);


Instance. Identifier of the launched instance of the task scheduler. The name of the XML file that contains task scheduler settings should be set as a value of the parameter. If the empty string is specified, the task scheduler with settings from the Scheduler.xml file is launched.

NOTE. Files of settings for task scheduler startup should be stored in the folder with installed Foresight  Analytics Platform. Name of the file in this parameter is set without the "xml" extension.

Arguments. Additional parameters of task scheduler launch. Parameters with which the task scheduler can be launched are described in following section: Task Scheduler Launching.


The Run method launches task scheduler in accordance with the specified parameters.


Settings specified in the Instance parameter are passed into the -Instance key when launching task scheduler. The rest of the keys are passed in the Arguments parameter.


Executing the example requires that the install folder of Foresight Analytics Platform contains the Test.xml file that includes settings for task scheduler startup.

Sub UserProc;
    AppSvr: IAppServerClass;
    AppSvr := New AppServerClass.Create;
End Sub UserProc;

On executing the example the task scheduler with settings from the specified file is launched.

See also:
