Compare: Integer;
The Compare property determines whether sorting is enabled.
One of the following values must be set for the property:
0 - if elements are equal.
Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button and the DimensionTree component named DimensionTree1. Elements in the second column contain integer values.
Class TestForm: Form
DimensionTree1: DimensionTree;
UiDimension1: UiDimension;
Button1: Button;
AttrInst: IDimAttributeInstance;
Sub DimensionTree1OnCompareItems(Sender: Object; Args: IDimensionViewerCompareEventArgs);
i, j: Integer;
i := AttrInst.Value(Args.LeftItem);
j := AttrInst.Value(Args.RightItem);
If i > j Then
Args.Compare := -1;
Args.Compare := 1;
End If;
End Sub DimensionTree1OnCompareItems;
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Inst: IDimInstance;
Inst := UiDimension1.DimInstance;
AttrInst := Inst.Attributes.Item(1);
DimensionTree1.SortType := ControlSortType.Custom;
DimensionTree1.SortColumn := 1;
DimensionTree1.Sorted := True;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
End Class TestForm;
After executing the example, on pressing the button, custom sorting by values of the second component column is executed. Values are sorted in descending order.
See also: