

The IDataGrid interface contains properties and methods of the DataGrid development environment component.


  Property name Brief description
The AbsoluteFocusedRow property determines an absolute index of the focused table row.
The AbsoluteRowCount property determines the absolute number of rows in a table.
The AllowAppend property determines whether the records adding is available.
The AllowDelete property determines whether it is possible to delete records.
The AllowEdit property determines whether the records editing is available.
The AutoFilter property determines whether autofilter is used in columns.
The BandCount property determines the number of custom bands contained in a table.
The Bands property returns the collection of table bands.
The BorderStyle property determines the style of a component border.
The CellValue property determines the value of the cell, which coordinates are passed as input parameters.
The ColumnCount property determines the number columns of the DataGrid component.
The Columns property returns the columns collection of the DataGrid component.
The CurentColumn property determines the number of the column, that is in the focus.
The CustomCellStyle property determines whether events for drawing cells are to be generated.
The DataSource property specifies the data source, which the component is connected with.
The DrawFocus property determines whether the focus frame is displayed for the table cell.
The EnableSort property determines the availability of data sorting by single click on the table header.
The FixedBorderColor property determines color of the lines dividing fixed bands of a table.
The FixedBorderWidth property determines width of the border between fixed bands.
The FocusedColumn property returns focused table column.
The GridLinesColor property determines color of vertical and horizontal table gridlines.
The HeaderHeight property determines the height of component's columns headers and bands headers.
The HeaderMenu property determines the context menu that is called in the area of band or column headers.
The HideSelection property determines the visibility of the selection set when the component loses the focus.
The Images property determines the component, images of which are to be used in table cells.
The MultipleSort property determines whether it is possible to sort multiple columns at once.
The MultiSelect property determines the availability of multiple selection of the DataGrid component rows.
The ReadOnly property determines whether the user can edit the current field value.
The RootBands property returns the collection of table root bands.
The RowHeight property determines the basic height of component rows.
The Rows property returns the table row collection.
The RowSizing property determines whether the user can resize row height with a mouse.
The RowSizingMode property determines the mode, in which the row height is changed.
The Selection property determines the element selection in the component.
The ShowBands property determines whether band headers are displayed.
The ShowFocusedCell property determines whether a focused cell is to be displayed.
The ShowHeaders property determines whether table bands and headers are displayed.
The ShowHorizontalGridLines property determines whether horizontal table gridlines are displayed.
The ShowTotals property determines whether totals of the columns are displayed.
The ShowVerticalGridLines property determines whether vertical table gridlines are displayed.
The SortType property determines the component sorting type.
The Styles property determines the collection of formatting styles used in the DataGrid component.
The TableFilter property determines autofiltering settings of the DataGrid component.
The TotalScope property determines, within which limits totals should be calculated.
The VisualFocusedRow property returns the index of the visible focused table row.
The VisualRowCount property returns the number of rows actually displayed in a table.

Properties inherited from IControl

  Property name Brief description
Align The Align property determines component alignment within its parent component.
AllowDrag The AllowDrag property determines whether an object can be dragged from a component.
AllowDrop The AllowDrop property determines whether the component can accept a dragged object.
Anchors The Anchors property returns settings determining % of the resize for the current component when the parent component is resized.
Brush The Brush property determines the brush that is used to fill the component area.
ClientHeight The ClientHeight property determines the height of the client component area.
ClientWidth The ClientWidth property determines the width of the client component area.
Color The Color property determines color of the component background.
Cursor The Cursor property determines how the cursor looks like when is it hovered over a component during form execution.
Enabled The Enabled property determines whether a component is available for the user.
Focused The Focused property returns True if the focus is set to the component.
Font The Font property determines parameters of the font that is used to display text in the component.
Height The Height property determines component height in pixels.
HelpContext The HelpContext property determines a unique index for a section of a context help for this component.
Hint The Hint property determines a tooltip text displayed on hovering over the component.
HintTimeout The HintTimeout property determines for how long a tooltip is displayed.
Left The Left property determines a coordinate of the component left edge in pixels.
Parent The Parent property determines a parent component.
ParentColor The ParentColor property determines whether a component inherits the color of the parent component.
ParentFont The ParentFont property determines whether a component uses the font of the parent component.
ParentShowHint The ParentShowHint property determines when a tooltip is displayed.
PopupMenu The PopupMenu property determines the context menu displayed when the component is clicked with the right mouse button.
Scrolls The Scrolls property returns parameters of component's scrollbars.
ShowHint The ShowHint property determines whether a tooltip is displayed when the component is hovered.
TabOrder The TabOrder property determines a component position in a tab order.
TabStop The TabStop property determines whether the component must be focused when the Tab button is pressed.
Text The Text property determines a row identifying a component for the user.
Top The Top property determines a coordinate of the component top edge in pixels.
Visible The Visible property determines whether the component is displayed when a form is executed.
Width The Width property sets component width in pixels.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns a child component, which index is passed via the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines the component name.
Tag The Tag property is not used by the compiler. The user can change the value of this property and use it at his discretion.


   Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method prohibits the DataGrid component redrawing.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method disables the DataGrid component redrawing prohibition.
GetCellCoordAt The GetCellCoordAt method transforms coordinates of the specified point into component cell coordinates.
LoadAutoFilters The LoadAutoFilters method loads the table autofilters parameters.
LoadColumns The LoadColumns method loads table columns parameters.
ParametersOfColumnsDialog The ParametersOfColumnsDialog method calls the columns sorting settings dialog box.
RealToVisual The RealToVisual method returns the index of a visible row based on the absolute index of the row in a table.
SaveAutoFilters The SaveAutoFilters method saves the parameters of the autofilters that are set for table columns.
SaveColumns The SaveColumns method saves table columns parameters.
SelectColumnsDialog The SelectColumnsDialog method calls the dialog box for selecting bands or columns displayed in the component.
VisualToReal The VisualToReal method returns the absolute index of a row based on the index of the row among the actually displayed rows.

Methods inherited from IControl

  Method name Brief description
The ClientToScreen method converts point coordinates specified relative to the component's coordinate system into screen coordinates.
The DoDragDrop method enables the user to start dragging operation.
The GetImage method returns a graphic presentation of a component together with all child components.
The ScreenToClient method converts point's screen coordinates into coordinates specified relative to the component's coordinate system.
The SetFocus method sets focus to this component.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Interfaces