VirtualCellsStyle: ITabCellStyle;
The VirtualCellsStyle property determines style of the cells obtained as a result of splicing series with different calendar frequencies.
This style is applied for the cells, for which the ILanerTable.IsVirtualCell property returns True.
Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button, the LanerBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 that is a data source for LanerBox. The workbook of time series database should be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1.
Add links to the Metabase and Drawing system assemblies.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Eax: IEaxAnalyzer;
Style: IEaxTableStyle;
CellStyle: ITabCellStyle;
Eax := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
Style := Eax.Grid.Style;
CellStyle := Style.VirtualCellsStyle;
CellStyle.BackgroundColor := GxColor.FromName("LightBlue");
(Eax As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After clicking this button, workbook cells obtained as the result of splicing series having different calendar frequency, are highlighted in blue.
See also: