
Assembly: Express;


The IEaxSyncGroup interface is used to work with the link of synchronized dimensions.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with collection of the synchronized dimensions  links, use IEaxSyncGroups.

To work with the synchronized dimensions  link element, use IEaxSyncItem.


  Property name Brief description
Item The Item property returns the element of the link of synchronized dimensions by its index.
Count The Count property returns the number of elements of the link of synchronized dimensions.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds an element to the link of synchronized dimensions.
Clear The Clear method deletes all elements from the link of synchronized dimensions.
InGroup The InGroup method determines whether the specified dimension is linked with elements of the link of synchronized dimensions.
PropogateChanges The PropogateChanges method propagates selection changes to the rest of elements of the the link of synchronized dimensions.
Remove The Remove method removes the element of the link of synchronized dimensions by its index.
RemoveByItem The RemoveByItem method removes the element of the link of synchronized dimensions by description of the dimension linked to the element.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces