
Assembly: Express;


The IEaxDataSources interface contains properties and methods of the collection of express report data sources.




When an express report is created based on several data sources, a virtual cube containing all data sources is created. An express report will be created based on this cube.


  Property name Brief description
ControlInfo The ControlInfo property returns object that contains information on data sources.
Count The Count property returns number of express report data sources.
DisplaySourcesNames The DisplaySourcesNames property determines whether data source names are displayed before element names in table heading or sidehead.
ForcedCommonDim The ForcedCommonDim property determines whether a private dimension should be moved to shared ones.
ForcedCommonDimElemToFill The ForcedCommonDimElemToFill property determines a private dimension element filled with data from the data source without this dimension.
Item The Item property returns the object containing express report data source.
SeparateParameters The SeparateParameters property determines whether a single parameter will be created in a virtual cube for each data source parameter.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a data source to express report.
AddDescriptor The AddDescriptor method adds a data source to express report by object description in the repository.
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables any rerendering of the data sources collection.
CanForcedCommonDim The CanForcedCommonDim method returns whether a private dimension can be force moved to shared ones.
Clear The Clear method deletes all data sources from the collection of express report data sources.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for data source in the data sources collection by key.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method resumes rerendering of the data sources collection.
Move The Move method moves a data source within the collection.
RecreateVirtualCubeParams The RecreateVirtualCubeParams method recreates virtual cube parameters.
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes the data sources collection and express report data table.
Remove The Remove method deletes a data source.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes a data source from the collection of express report sources by key.

See also:

Express Assembly Interfaces