

MultipleExceptionImage: IGxImage;


The MultipleExceptionImage property determines the image to be shown if more than one rule is executed for the point.


Executing the example requires a form with a button on named Button1, the ImageList component with the identifier ImageList1, the TabSheetBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 which is used as a data source for TabSheetBox. The image should be loaded to the ImageList component and the working area of time series database with the OBJ_FC identifier should be loaded to UiErAnalyzer1. This database should contain a validation group with the VALIDATION_F identifier.

The example is executed on clicking the button.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);


Mb: IMetabase;

RurkKey: Integer;

ValidFilterObj: IMetabaseObject;

ValidFilter: IValidationGroup;

ValidExecSett: IValidationExecuteSettings;

Analyzer: IEaxAnalyzer;

Res: IValidationExecRun;

DiagnRep: IDiagnosticReport;

TabSheet: ITabSheet;

TabImg: ITabImages;

ValidationRules: IValidationRules;

Style: ITabCellStyle;


Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;

RurkKey := Mb.GetObjectKeyById("OBJ_FC");

ValidFilterObj := Mb.ItemByIdNamespace("VALIDATION_F", RurkKey).Bind;

ValidFilter := ValidFilterObj As IValidationGroup;

ValidExecSett := New ValidationExecuteSettings.Create;

Analyzer := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;

ValidExecSett.Laner := Analyzer.Laner;

Res := ValidFilter.Execute(ValidExecSett);

DiagnRep := New DiagnosticReport.Create;

DiagnRep.Run := Res;

DiagnRep.EaxAnalyzer := Analyzer;

TabSheet := Analyzer.Grid.TabSheet;

TabImg := TabSheet.Images;


DiagnRep.MultipleExceptionImage := TabImg.Item(0);

ValidationRules := DiagnRep.Exceptions(1, 1);

If ValidationRules.Count > 0 Then

Style := TabSheet.Cell(1, 1).Style;

Style.EnablePictures := TriState.OnOption;

End If;

End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example the TabSheetBox component shows diagnostic report data. If multiple rules are performed for the given cell, the cell displays an image.

See also:
