
Assembly: Etl;


The IEtlForeWizardPages interface is used to implement a class that creates provider/consumer/procedure wizard pages based on a template.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Properties and methods of this interface should be redetermined in a custom class. The class is set in the IEtlTemplate.Class property of custom template.

The principle of work with wizard pages:


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of new wizard pages.
Metabase The Metabase property returns the repository in use.
Model The Model property determines a metadata model that is used to work with wizard pages.


  Method name Brief description
Item The Item method is used to connect the specified repository form as a user provider/consumer wizard page.
OnWizardCancel The OnWizardCancel method handles click of the Cancel button in the wizard.
OnWizardOK The OnWizardOK method handles click of the Finish button in the wizard.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces