
Assembly: Etl;


The IEtlAttachCPEventArgs interface contains argument properties of the event that occurs after moving connection point in the EtlBox component.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Properties of this interface are used in the EtlBox.OnAfterMoveCP event.


  Property name Brief description
CPIndexToAttach The CPIndexToAttach property returns index of the shape connection point, to which line point was connected after moving.
ShapeToAttach The ShapeToAttach property returns the shape, to which line connection point was connected.

Properties inherited from IEtlMoveCPEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel property determines whether the moving of the connection line point takes place.
CPIndex The CPIndex property returns the index of the connection point that should be shifted.
Shape The Shape property returns the line, next to which the connection point is moved.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces