ETL Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
EtlAttachCPEventArgs The EtlAttachCPEventArgs class implements the argument of the event occurring after moving the connection point in the EtlBox component.
EtlBox The EaxMapBox class implements the EtlBox development environment component.
EtlMoveCPEventArgs The EtlMoveCPEventArgs class implements the argument of event occurring before moving a connection point in the EtlBox component.
EtlObjectPanelBox The EtlObjectPanelBox class implements the EtlObjectPanelBox development environment component.
EtlTaskExecutionEvents The EtlTaskExecutionEvents class is used to implement events in ETL task event handler.
NewEtlObjectEventArgs The NewEtlObjectEventArgs class implements the argument of the event occurring on creating a new object of the ETL task from panels of the EtlObjectPanelBox component.
UiEtlObject The UiEtlObject class implements the UiEtlObject development environment component.
WxEtlObject The IWxEtlObject class contains properties for a graphic object corresponding to ETL task object.

See also:

ETL Assembly Interfaces | ETL Assembly Enumerations | Etl Assembly Delegates | Examples