Creating Table Dictionary

Executing the example requires that the repository contains a dictionary with the TAB_ELEMENT identifier. ". The table has four fields: Id, Name, Ord and Parent_Id.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;

StDim: IStandardDimension;

StAttrs: IStandardDimAttributes;

Orders: IStdDimOrders;

BlockAttr: IStandardDimIndexAttributes;

StAttr: IStandardDimAttribute;

StDimBlock: IStandardDimBlock;

StRecBlock: IStandardDimRecursiveBlock;

Levels: IStandardDimLevels;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;

CrInfo.ClassID := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_STDDIM;

CrInfo.Id := "NewTabDim";

CrInfo.Name := New table dictionary;

CrInfo.Parent := MB.Root;

StDim := MB.CreateObject(CrInfo).Edit As IStandardDimension;

StAttrs := StDim.Attributes;

//Creating attributes

StAttr := StAttrs.Add;

StAttr.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;

StAttr.Id := "Id";

StAttr.Name := ID;

StAttrs.Id := StAttr;

StAttr := StAttrs.Add;

StAttr.DataType := DbDataType.String;

StAttr.Id := "Name";

StAttr.Name := Name;

StAttrs.Name := StAttr;

StAttr := StAttrs.Add;

StAttr.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;

StAttr.Id := "Order";

StAttr.Name := Order;

StAttrs.Order := StAttr;

StAttr := StAttrs.Add;

StAttr.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;

StAttr.Id := "Parent";

StAttr.Name := Parent;

//Ascending sorting of attribute values

Orders := StAttrs.Orders;

Orders.Add(StAttrs.Name, False);

Orders.Add(StAttrs.Order, False);

//Creating recursive block

StDimBlock := StDim.Blocks.Add(DimBlockType.Recursive);

//Setting up block

//Primary block index by the ID attribute

BlockAttr := StDimBlock.Indexes.PrimaryIndex.Attributes;


//Binding block attributes to fields of the TAB_ELEMENT table

StDimBlock.Dataset := MB.ItemById("TAB_ELEMENT").Bind As IDatasetModel;

StDimBlock.Binding(StAttrs.Id).AsString := "TAB_ELEMENT.ID";

StDimBlock.Binding(StAttrs.Name).AsString := "TAB_ELEMENT.NAME";

StDimBlock.Binding(StAttrs.Order).AsString := "TAB_ELEMENT.ORD";

StDimBlock.Binding(StAttr).AsString := "TAB_ELEMENT.PARENT_ID";

//Recursion adjustment

StRecBlock := StDimBlock As IStandardDimRecursiveBlock;

//Conditions for the upper level of recursion

StRecBlock.StartWith.AsString := "TAB_ELEMENT.PARENT_ID=0";

//Connection by the primary index

StRecBlock.ConnectByIndex := StDimBlock.Indexes.PrimaryIndex;

//Connection condition for the first attribute

StRecBlock.ConnectBy(BlockAttr.Item(0)).AsString := "TAB_ELEMENT.PARENT_ID";

//Two levels for dictionary

Levels := StDim.Levels;

Levels.Add.Name := The first level.

Levels.Add.Name := The second level.

(StDim As IMetabaseObject).Save;

End Sub Main;

After executing the example the repository root contains a table dictionary. The dictionary contains four attributes, one recursive block. Sorting by attributes is set. Bindings of table fields to dictionary attributes and recursion are set. The dictionary also contains two levels for setting up further aggregation.

See also:
