

KeyUnique: Boolean;


The KeyUnique property determines attribute which checks that selection keys included in collection are unique.


Available values:

If the property is set to False, it helps to add the same dictionary to the collection several times. It can be necessary if the same dictionary will be used with several alternative hierarchies. Such behavior is used on working with the ADOMD cubes.


Executing the example requires that repository contains the ADOMD directory with the ADOMDTest identifier and in the directory there is the ADOMD cube - «SALES». In cube structure there is a dimension based on the ADOMD dictionaries with the PRODUCTS identifiers for which several alternative hierarchies are created.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    CubeInst: ICubeInstance;
    Dest: ICubeInstanceDestination;
    SelSet: IDimSelectionSet;
    Sel, Sel2: IDimSelection;
    Hiers: IDimHierarchiesInstance;
    DimSetup: ICubeExecuteDimSetup;
    Exec: ICubeInstanceDestinationExecutor;
    AdoExec: IAdoMdCubeExecutor;
    Mat: IMatrix;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    CubeInst := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("SALES", MB.GetObjectKeyById("ADOMDTest")).Open(NullAs ICubeInstance;
    Dest := CubeInst.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
    SelSet := Dest.CreateDimSelectionSet;
    //Cancel check that selections are unique
    (SelSet As IDimSelectionSet2).KeyUnique := False;
    //Dimension selection
    Sel := SelSet.FindById("PRODUCTS");
    //Alternative hierarchies
    Hiers := Sel.Dimension.Hierarchies;
    //Adding of dimension selection one more time
    Sel2 := SelSet.Add(Sel.Dimension);
    //Set up alternative hierarchy for the second instance of dimension selection
    Sel2.Hierarchy := Hiers.FindByKey(6);
    //Set up selections
    For Each Sel In SelSet Do
        If Sel.Dimension.Ident = "PRODUCTS" Then
            DimSetup := CubeClass.SelectionSetup(Sel);
            If DimSetup <> Null Then
                DimSetup.GroupIndex := 1;
            End If;
            DimSetup := CubeClass.SelectionSetup(Sel);
            If DimSetup <> Null Then
                DimSetup.GroupIndex := 2;
            End If;
        End If
    End For;
    Exec := Dest.CreateExecutor;
    AdoExec := Exec As IAdoMdCubeExecutor;
    Mat := Exec.Matrix;
End Sub UserProc;

On executing the example preparation and calculation of the specified ADOMD cube will be performed. On preparing selection for calculation, the PRODUCTS dimension will be included twice in selection collection. Alternative hierarchy will be applied for the second instance. Selection for each instance of the PRODUCTS dimension will be set to maximum. Calculation result will be available in the Mat variable.

See also:
