SelectLevel(Element: Integer);
Element. Dimension level.
The SelectLevel method adds a dimension level to selection.
To work with dimension level properties, use the IDimLevelInstance interface.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a dictionary.
Place the following components on the form: UiDimension, DimensionTree, DimensionCombo named UiDimension1, DimensionTree1 and DimensionCombo1 respectively.
Set additional properties:
For the UiDimension component set a dictionary for the Object property.
For the DimensionTree and DimensionCombo components set the Dimension property to UiDimension1.
Add links to the Dimensions, ExtCtrls, and Forms system assemblies.
The example is a handler of the OnCreate event for the form.
Sub IDIMSELECTION_SELECTLEVEL_OnCreate(Sender: Object; Args: IEventArgs);
// Add the second level of dimension to selection
After executing the example the second level of dimension is selected on the form.
See also: