

The ICustomDimElements interface contains properties and methods of created dictionary element collection.


The ICustomDimension.Elements property returns collection of elements.


  Property name Brief description
AttributeCount The AttributeCount property returns number of attributes which can be used to determine element values.
AttributeValue The AttributeValue property determines the specified attribute value for selected dictionary element.


The DisplayAttributeValue property determines displayed value of element attribute.


The DisplayAttributeValueByKey property determines displayed element attribute by attribute key.

Include The Include property determines whether specified element will be available in the OLAP selection.
Owner The Owner property determines primary key of the owner element for the element in the specified row.
RowCount The RowCount property returns number of row according to the total number of elements in dictionary.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a new element.
Clear The Clear method removes all dictionary elements.
Remove The Remove method removes the selected element with its child elements.
RemoveAndMoveChildren The RemoveAndMoveChildren method removes the selected element and moves all its child elements one row up.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces