Dimensions Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
CalendarCompareLevelsResult The CalendarCompareLevelsResult enumeration is used to determine result of comparing calendar dictionary levels.
CalendarOpenType The CalendarOpenType enumeration contains style of displaying calendar elements.
ConditionSelectOptions The ConditionSelectOptions enumeration contains variants of search settings.
DayOfWeekSet The DayOfWeekSet enumeration contains week days.
DimAttributeInstanceValuesLoadOptions The DimAttributeInstanceValuesLoadOptions enumeration contains options of attribute values loading.
DimBlockType The DimBlockType enumeration contains types of table dictionary block.
DimCalendarLevel The DimCalendarLevel enumeration contains levels of calendar dictionary.
DimCalendarLevelSet The DimCalendarLevelSet enumeration contains types of calendar frequency available in the collection of frequencies.
DimCompoundDimensionType The DimCompoundDimensionType enumeration is used to determine type of composite dimension.
DimDirection The DimDirection enumeration contains variants of element layout on addition or after transfer.
DimElementDeduplicate The DimElementDeduplicate enumeration contains methods used for element selection when deleting duplicate dictionary elements.
DimRelation The DimRelation enumeration contains positions of new element parse.
DynamicInstanceOperationsVisibility The DynamicInstanceOperationsVisibility enumeration contains variants of changes application in dictionaries.
SelectionCopyToExOptions The SelectionCopyToExOptions enumeration contains options to be copied from source dimension to consumer dimension.
SelectionGroupType The SelectionGroupType enumeration contains types of element group primitive.
SelectionPrimitiveType The SelectionPrimitiveType enumeration contains types of selection schema primitive.
TextCriteriaOptions The TextCriteriaOptions enumeration contains search options.
UnionGroupType The UnionGroupType enumeration contains types of interaction for several primitives of a group of elements.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces | Dimensions Assembly Classes | Examples