
Assembly: Dimensions;


The DimAttributesList class implements a collection of dictionary attributes by which elements should be searched.


  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates a new collection of dictionary attributes by values of which elements should be searched.

Properties of class object inherited from IDimAttributesList

  Property name Brief description
Attributes The Attributes property determines the list of attributes, by which a selected character string is to be searched.
Count The Count property returns the number of attributes in the collection.
Dimension The Dimension property determines the dictionary, which attributes form the given collection.
Item The Item property returns parameters of the attribute added to the collection.
Probe The Probe property returns a collection of attributes implemented by the IDimAttributeProbe interface.

Methods of class object inherited from IDimAttributesList

  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds selected attribute to the collection.
FindById The FindById method finds attribute in the collection by its ID.
FindByKey The FindByKey method finds attribute in the collection by its key.
Remove The Remove method removes attribute from the collection by its index.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes attribute from the collection by its key.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Classes