Db Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
CachedDatasetState The CachedDatasetState enumeration contains variants of states of data source cache.
DatabaseApplicationRoleMode The DatabaseApplicationRoleMode enumeration contains variants of use the database role mode.
DatasetBatchCommand The DatasetBatchCommand enumeration contains the ways of updating records in data source.
DatasetFailPolicy The DatasetFailPolicy enumeration contains actions performed on error occurrence.
DbAlterType The DbAlterType enumeration determines the method which was used to alter the object.
ProcedureKind The ProcedureKind enumeration contains the types of created object.
TableTriggerFireEvent The TableTriggerFireEvent enumeration contains types of event at which trigger of the table is executed.
TableTriggerFireTime The TableTriggerFireTime enumeration contains the time periods when table trigger launches.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces | Db Assembly Classes | Examples