Executing the example requires that the repository contains an automatic cube with the Cube_1 identifier. There cube contains three dimensions. Dimensions are based on the following dictionaries:
D_TO - territories dictionary.
D_SEP - dictionary of socio-economic indicators.
CALENDAR - calendar dictionary.
Sub GetCubeData;
MB: IMetabase;
CubInst: ICubeInstance;
DestInst: ICubeInstanceDestination;
DestMod: ICubeModelDestination;
DimsInst: ICubeInstanceDimensions;
DimsMod: ICubeModelDimensions;
Dim1, Dim2, Dim3: IDimensionModel;
DimInst: IDimInstance;
AttrInst: IDimAttributeInstance;
DimSS: IDimSelectionSet;
Mat: IMatrix;
Coord: IMatrixCoord;
Sto: ICubeInstanceStorage;
AttrKey, Dim1Key, Dim2Key, Dim3Key, n1, n2, n3: Integer;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
//Open cube
CubInst := MB.ItemById("Cube_1").Open(Null) As ICubeInstance;
DestInst := CubInst.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
//Get information about cube dimensions
DestMod := DestInst.DestinationModel;
DimsMod := DestMod.Dimensions;
//Search for dictionaries, which are cube dimensions
Dim1 := DimsMod.FindById("D_TO");
Dim2 := DimsMod.FindById("D_SEP");
Dim3 := DimsMod.FindById("CALENDAR");
//Get keys of dictionaries
Dim1Key := (Dim1 As IMetabaseObject).Key;
Dim2Key := (Dim2 As IMetabaseObject).Key;
Dim3Key := (Dim3 As IMetabaseObject).Key;
//Get data by dimensions
DimsInst := DestInst.Dimensions;
//Search for elements by dimensions
DimInst := DimsInst.FindByKey(Dim1Key);
AttrKey := Dim1.Attributes.Name.Key; //Search by the Name attribute
AttrInst := DimInst.Attributes.FindByKey(AttrKey);
n1 := AttrInst.LookupValue("Russian Federation");
DimInst := DimsInst.FindByKey(Dim2Key);
AttrKey := Dim2.Attributes.Name.Key; //Search by the Name attribute
AttrInst := DimInst.Attributes.FindByKey(AttrKey);
n2 := AttrInst.LookupValue("Number of banks, units");
DimInst := DimsInst.FindByKey(Dim3Key);
AttrKey := Dim3.Attributes.Id.Key; //Search by the Identifier attribute
AttrInst := DimInst.Attributes.FindByKey(AttrKey);
n3 := AttrInst.LookupValue("YEARS:2010");
If (n1 <> -1) And (n2 <> -1) And (n3 <> -1) Then
//Create a selection
DimSS := DestInst.CreateDimSelectionSet;
//Elements selection
DimSS.FindByKey(Dim1Key).SelectElement(n1, False);
DimSS.FindByKey(Dim2Key).SelectElement(n2, False);
DimSS.FindByKey(Dim3Key).SelectElement(n3, False);
//Extract data matrix by the specified cube selection
Mat := DestInst.Execute(DimSS);
Mat.ValueFlag := Mat.ValueFlag + 1;
//Create the coordinate, by which it is required to change value
//Dimensions in the matrix correspond to cube dimensions
Coord := Mat.CreateCoord;
Coord.Item(DimSS.IndexOfKey(Dim1Key)) := n1;
Coord.Item(DimSS.IndexOfKey(Dim2Key)) := n2;
Coord.Item(DimSS.IndexOfKey(Dim3Key)) := n3;
//Increase value by specified coordinate
Mat.Item(Coord) := (Mat.Item(Coord) As Integer) + 10;
//Create the object that is used to save matrix to cube
Sto := DestInst.CreateStorage;
//Save data back to cube
Sto.SaveMatrix(Mat, Mat.ValueFlag);
End If;
End Sub GetCubeData;
The cube is opened on executing the example. The specified elements are searched by cube dimensions. If all elements are found, a cube selection is created. A data matrix is obtained on the basis of selection. Value of the element that corresponds to found elements of cube dimensions is changed in the matrix. Then the updated matrix is saved back to cube.
See also: