

The IRubricatorSegment interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a time series database segment.


A segment is a subset of data in the time series database that is determined by setting selection for a database dimension or calendar.


  Property name Brief description
Attribute The Attribute property determines an attribute that specifies a segment dimension.
AttributeName The AttributeName property determines name of the attribute that specifies segment dimension.
Key The Key property returns key of a data segment.
Rubricator The Rubricator property returns data of the time series database that contains the data segment.
Type The Type property returns the type of data segment.


  Method name Brief description
AsObject The AsObject method returns a temporary object for security descriptor editing.
Edit The Edit property creates a copy of a segment for editing.
GetEffectiveRights The GetEffectiveRights property returns effective permissions of the current user for a segment.
GetSubjectEffectiveRights The GetSubjectEffectiveRights property returns effective permissions of the specified user for a segment.
Save The Save method saves a segment.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces