

The IRubricatorRevision interface contains properties and methods for working with the object that is a revision or revision label.


  Property name Brief description
Comment The Comment property determines an object comment.
IsLabel The IsLabel property returns whether an object is a label.
Name The Name property determines an object name.
ObjectKey The ObjectKey property determines a key of creator object.
Stamp The Stamp property returns date and time of object creation.
UserName The UserName property returns object user.

Properties inherited from IRubricatorRecord

  Property name Brief description
CompoundKey The CompoundKey property returns record composite key.
IsEdited The IsEdited property determines whether a record can be edited.
Key The Key property returns record key.
Record The Record property returns record data.
Rubricator The Rubricator property returns data of time series database.
UseCompoundKey The UseCompoundKey property returns whether composite key is used.

Methods inherited from IRubricatorRecord

  Method name Brief description

The PersistChanges method determines whether to save changes to a database.

The Save method saves a record.

The Undo method closes a record without saving changes.

The ValidateRules method checks validation rule execution.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces