

The IRubricatorFactorDependencyData interface contains properties that are used to work with data of dependency in the time series database.


  Property name Brief description
CalendarPoint The CalendarPoint property returns calendar point of dependcy.
DependentFactorIdentity The DependentFactorIdentity property returns key of dependent factor record.
DependentFactorKey The DependentFactorKey property returns key of dependent factor.
DependentRevisionKey The DependentRevisionKey property returns key of dependent factor revision.
FactorIdentity The FactorIdentity property returns key of dependent factor record.
FactorKey The FactorKey property returns factor key.
FormulaKey The FormulaKey property returns formula key.
Position The Position property returns the position in formula.
RevisionKey The RevisionKey property returns key of factor revision.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces