IsTemporary: Boolean;
The IsTemporary property returns whether data belongs to the time series that does not exist but possible.
The time series that do not exist but possible are the series that have the difference between Cartesian product of all attributes of time series database and existing time series.
Available values:
True. The data belongs to the time series, which does not exist, but is possible.
False. Data belongs to the current time series.
Executing the example requires a form, a button located on it, the MetaAttributesTreeList component with the MetaAttributesTreeList1 identifier. The MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component with the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1 identifier must be connected to the component. MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1 must be set up to work with the time series database.
Click the button to execute the example. Before executing the example select one factor in the MetaAttributesTreeList1 component, and enable displaying of empty folders.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
memb: IMetaMember;
RubInst: IRubricatorInstance;
FactData: IRubricatorFactData;
Revi: IRubricatorRevision;
Memb := MetaAttributesTreeList1.SelectedMembers.Current;
RubInst := MetaAttributesBreadcrumb1.Rubricator;
Revi := RubInst.OpenRevision("GetMemberFactData");
FactData := RubInst.GetMemberFactData(Memb, DictionaryGetDataOptions.None);
If FactData.IsTemporary Then
Debug.WriteLine("Factor does not exist");
Debug.WriteLine("Factor key: " + FactData.FactorKey.ToString);
End If;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example key of the selected factor is displayed in the console window, if the factor exists.
See also: