

The IMDCalculationSlice interface contains properties of data source or data consumer slice.


  Property name Brief description
Dataset The Dataset property returns data source or data consumer.
Fields The Fields property determines fields of data source or data consumer linked with this dimension.
Fixed The Fixed property returns parameters of the data dimension, which data source or data consumer is a fixed dimension.
FixType The FixType property determines a dimension type.
Free The Free property returns parameters of the data dimension, which data source or data consumer is a free dimension.
IsCalendar The IsCalendar property determines whether a calendar dimension is a data source of this dimension.
IsShift The IsShift property determines whether the Shift function can be used on creating formulas.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines an object identifier.
Key The Key property returns object key.
Name The Name property determines an object name.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces