SourceCalculation: IMDCalculation;
The SourceCalculation property determines a multidimensional calculation on DB server that must be executed.
Use the IMDCalculationScheduledTask.LoadCalculationArgs property to get multidimensional calculation parameters in already existing task.
Use the IMDCalculationScheduledTask.SetCalculationArgs property to set multidimensional calculation parameters.
Executing the example requires a scheduled tasks container with the Scheduled_Tasks_Cont identifier and multidimensional calculation on DB server with the MDCalc identifier. Also, add links to the Cube, Fore and Metabase system assemblies.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
CreateInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
ScheduledTaskContObjD: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
TaskObj: IMetabaseObject;
Properties: IScheduledTaskProperties;
PeriodTimeOnly: IScheduledTaskPeriodOneTimeOnly;
MDCalc: IMDCalculation;
MDCalcTask: IMDCalculationScheduledTask;
MDCalcDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
CalcArgs: IMDCalculationCalculateArgs;
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Create task
CreateInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CreateInfo.Permanent := True;
ScheduledTaskContObjD := MB.ItemById("Scheduled_Tasks_Cont");
CreateInfo.Parent := ScheduledTaskContObjD;
CreateInfo.Id := MB.GenerateId("MDCalcScheduledTask");
CreateInfo.Name := Multidimensional calculation execution on the database server;
TaskObj := MB.CreateObject(CreateInfo).Edit;
MDCalcTask := TaskObj As IMDCalculationScheduledTask;
// Set executed multidimensional calculation
MDCalcDescr := MB.ItemById("MDCalc");
MDCalc := MDCalcDescr.Bind As IMDCalculation;
MDCalcTask.SourceCalculation := MDCalc;
//Set parameters of calculation execution
MDTabInst := MDCalcDescr.Open(Null) As IMDCalculationInstance;
CalcArgs := MDTabInst.CreateCalculateArgs;
CalcArgs.CleanType := MDCalculateArgsCleanType.Existing;
CalcArgs.UpdateType := MDCalculateArgsUpdateType.NotNull;
CalcArgs.Recursion := TriState.OnOption;
// Set periodicity of execution
Properties := MDCalcTask.Properties;
PeriodTimeOnly := Properties.CreatePeriod(ScheduledTaskPeriodType.OneTimeOnly) As IScheduledTaskPeriodOneTimeOnly;
PeriodTimeOnly.StartMode := TaskPeriodOneTimeStartMode.Immediate; //Immediately
Properties.Period := PeriodTimeOnly;
// Save task
End Sub Main;
After executing the example task of executing a multidimensional calculation on DB server is created in the scheduled tasks container. Periodicity of execution and calculation execution parameters are set for the created task.
See also: