
Assembly: Cubes;


The IMDCalculationFormulasConverter interface contains properties and methods that are used to convert formulas from multidimensional calculation to calculated cube.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To correctly convert formulas from multidimensional calculation into calculated cube, the following conditions must be satisfied:

To previously check the correspondence of structures, use the ValidateStructure method. Formulas are converted during the Convert method call. Save calculated cube formulas after conversion.


  Property name Brief description
BatchMode The BatchMode property determines a method of formulas collection updating during conversion.
Calculation The Calculation property returns multidimensional calculation, which formulas will be converted in calculated cube formulas.
CleanBeforeConvert The CleanBeforeConvert property determines whether formulas list of calculated cube is cleared before conversion.
CorrectSourceFormulas The CorrectSourceFormulas property determines whether formulas are adjusted before conversion into formulas of calculated cube.
Cube The Cube property returns the calculated cube, into which multidimensional calculation formulas are converted.
Facts The Facts property returns index of the dimension used as a factors dimension linked with data fields in a calculated cube.
RecursionSource The RecursionSource property returns the source index in recursive multidimensional calculation.
SourceFacts The SourceFacts property returns index of the dimension used as a factors dimension in the specified data source.


  Method name Brief description
Convert The Convert method converts formulas from multidimensional calculation to calculated cube.
ValidateStructure The ValidateStructure method checks multidimensional calculation and calculated cube structures correspondence.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces