

Add: IMDCalculationFormula;


The Add method creates a new formula.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains multidimensional calculation on DB server with the MDCalc_1 identifier. Time dependency is enabled for formulas.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MDInst: IMDCalculationInstance;

Source: IMDCalculationSourceInstance;

Dest: IMDCalculationDestinationInstance;

Slices: IMDCalculationSlicesInstance;

Formulas: IMDCalculationFormulas;

Formula: IMDCalculationFormula;

FormulaExpression: IMDCalculationFormulaExpression;

DestCoo, SourceCoo: IMatrixCoord;

SourceElKey, ElementKey: IMDCalculationFormulaElementKey;

Operand: IMDCalculationFormulaOperand;

CoordOperand: IMDCalculationFormulaElement;

BinaryOperand: IMDCalculationFormulaBinaryOperation;

ConstOperand: IMDCalculationFormulaConstantValue;

i: Integer;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

MDInst := MB.ItemById("MDCalc_1").Open(Null) As IMDCalculationInstance;

Dest := MDInst.Destination;

DestCoo := Dest.NewCoord;

Slices := Dest.Slices;

For i := 0 To Slices.Count - 1 Do

DestCoo.Item(i) := 0;

End For;

ElementKey := Dest.CoordToKey(DestCoo);

ElementKey.FactIndex := 0;

Source := MDInst.Sources.Item(0);

Slices := Source.Slices;

Formulas := MDInst.ReadFormulas(ElementKey);

Formula := Formulas.Add;

FormulaExpression := Formula.Expression;

Formula.ChangePeriod(DateTime.ComposeDay(2005, 01, 01), DateTime.ComposeDay(2006, 01, 01));

//Assign as an operand - element from the source

Operand := FormulaExpression.CreateItem(MDCalculationFormulaOperandKind.Element);

SourceCoo := Source.NewCoord;

For i := 0 To Slices.Count - 1 Do

SourceCoo.Item(i) := 0;

End For;

SourceElKey := Source.CoordToKey(SourceCoo);

SourceElKey.FactIndex := 0;

CoordOperand := Operand As IMDCalculationFormulaElement;

CoordOperand.Key := SourceElKey;


//Assign symbol * as an operand

Operand := FormulaExpression.CreateItem(MDCalculationFormulaOperandKind.BinaryOperation);

BinaryOperand := Operand As IMDCalculationFormulaBinaryOperation;

BinaryOperand.BinaryOperation := MDCalculationFormulaBinaryOperation.Mul;


//Assign constant 3.14 as an operand

Operand := FormulaExpression.CreateItem(MDCalculationFormulaOperandKind.ConstantValue);

ConstOperand := Operand As IMDCalculationFormulaConstantValue;

ConstOperand.ConstantValue := 3.14;


MDInst.WriteFormulas(ElementKey, Formulas);

End Sub Main;

After executing the example a formula is added for the specified data consumer element. The operation period is set for the formula. Actual periods of other formulas are adjusted according to this one.

See also:
