

The IMDCalculationFormulaElement interface contains properties and methods of data source or data consumer element used as a formula operand.


  Property name Brief description
Key The Key determines a unique key corresponding to the element used as a formula operand.
SourceIndex The SourceIndex property determines an index of data source. The specified operand corresponds to the element of this data source.
Sum The Sum property determines a summation method.
SumInt The SumInt property determines a summation method as a decimal.

Properties inherited from IMDCalculationFormulaOperand

  Property name Brief description

The Index property returns index of operand position in the formula.

The Kind property returns operand type.

The Text property returns text representation of operand.


  Method name Brief description
RefreshText The RefreshText property updates operand text according to data source of data consumer element text.

Methods inherited from IMDCalculationFormulaOperand

  Method name Brief description

The CreateCopy property creates an operand copy.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces