DuplicateCheck: CubeLoadDuplicateCheckSet;
The DuplicateCheck property determines a mode of excluding duplicate values.
To select time series loading mode, use the IImportRequestProviderParams.LoadType property.
Executing the example requires a time series database with the TSDB_IMP identifier containing mandatory custom attributes with the CITY and INDICATOR identifiers. These attributes must be links to the dictionary. The child container of time series database must have several scenarios.
The file system must have the D:\res_export.txt file with data.
Contents of the res_export.txt file
Add links to the Cubes, Db, Dimensions, Dt, Metabase, Ms, Rds system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
TextProvider: IDtTextProvider;
Mb: IMetabase;
TSDBObj: IMetabaseObject;
TSDB: IRubricator;
Attr: IMetaAttributes;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
ImportRequestDef: IImportRequestDefinition;
Params: IImportRequestProviderParams;
Obj: IMetabaseObject;
Bindings: ICubeMetaLoaderBindings;
Binding: ICubeMetaLoaderBinding;
DimM: IDimensionModel;
Instance: IImportRequestInstance;
// Create a data source for import from text file
TextProvider := New DtTextProvider.Create;
TextProvider.File := "D:\res_export.txt";
TextProvider.FormatType := DtTextFormatType.Delimited;
TextProvider.DelimitedColumnDelimiter := ";";
TextProvider.DelimitedTextQualifier := """";
TextProvider.Encoding := "WIN";
TextProvider.RangeHasHeader := True;
// Get time series database
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
TSDBObj := Mb.ItemById("TSDB_IMP").Bind;
TSDB := TSDBObj As IRubricator;
Attr := TSDB.Facts.Attributes;
// Create an import object
CrInfo := Mb.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.ClassId := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_IMPORTREQUEST;
CrInfo.Id := Mb.GenerateId("OBJ_IMPORTREQUEST_P", TSDBObj.Key);
CrInfo.Name := "Import object";
CrInfo.Parent := TSDBObj;
Obj := Mb.CreateObject(CrInfo).Edit;
// Specify data provider
ImportRequestDef := Obj As IImportRequestDefinition;
ImportRequestDef.SourceType := ImportRequestSourceType.Provider;
// Specify data consumer
ImportRequestDef.DestinationRubricator := TSDB;
// Set import options
Params := ImportRequestDef.ProviderParams;
Params.Provider := TextProvider As IDatasetDataProvider;
Params.NewRevisionName := "Import of time series";
Params.ImportObjectKey := Obj.Key;
Params.LoadType := CubeMetaLoaderLoadType.CreateAndUpdate;
Params.LoadMode := CubeLoadClearMode.DataAndMetadata;
Params.DuplicateCheck := CubeLoadDuplicateCheckSet.ValueAttribute Or CubeLoadDuplicateCheckSet.Value;
// Specify scenario, to which data will be loaded
Params.ScenarioKey := (TSDB.ModelSpace As IMsModelSpace).ScenarioTree.Item(0).Key;
// Set attribute binding
Bindings := Params.Bindings;
// Set calendar binding
Binding := Bindings.Add;
Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Calendar;
Binding.ByColumns := False;
Binding.CalendarDateFormat := "$Year$";
Binding.CalendarOptions.Levels := DimCalendarLevelSet.Year;
Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
Binding.Field := "Year";
// Set binding of the Measurement Units attribute (UNIT)
Binding := Bindings.Add;
Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Unit;
Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.ConstValue;
Binding.FieldValue := 1;
Binding.Attribute := "UNIT";
DimM := Attr.FindById("UNIT").ValuesObject.Bind As IDimensionModel;
Binding.Dimension := DimM;
Binding.Index := DimM.Indexes.Item(0).Id;
Binding.KeyAttribute := "KEY";
// Set binding of the Cities attribute (CITY)
Binding := Bindings.Add;
Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Attribute;
Binding.Attribute := "CITY";
Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
Binding.Field := "CITY_KEY";
DimM := Attr.FindById("CITY").ValuesObject.Bind As IDimensionModel;
Binding.Dimension := DimM;
Binding.Index := DimM.Indexes.Item(0).Id;
Binding.KeyAttribute := "KEY";
Binding.NameAttribute := "NAME";
// Set binding of the Indicators attribute (INDICATOR)
Binding := Bindings.Add;
Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Attribute;
Binding.Attribute := "INDICATOR";
Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
Binding.Field := "INDICATOR_KEY";
DimM := Attr.FindById("INDICATOR").ValuesObject.Bind As IDimensionModel;
Binding.Dimension := DimM;
Binding.Index := DimM.Indexes.Item(0).Id;
Binding.KeyAttribute := "KEY";
Binding.NameAttribute := "NAME";
// Set binding for import of values of series observations
Binding := Bindings.Add;
Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Value;
Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
Binding.Field := "Value";
// Save changes in import object
// Import data
Instance := (ImportRequestDef As IMetabaseObject).Open(Null) As IImportRequestInstance;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the data from the D:\res_export.txt file will be imported to the time series database and duplicate data will be excluded.
See also: