

ProviderParams: IImportRequestProviderParams;


The ProviderParams property returns the object that contains parameters of time series import from a data source (excluding time series database).


Executing the example requires a time series database with the OBJ_RUBRICATOR identifier and the time series export file C:\result.txt. Also, the repository must contain an MDM repository with the RDS identifier including the COUNTRY dictionary and other system dictionaries required for working of the time series database. The COUNTRY additional mandatory attribute referring to the countries dictionary has been created in the time series database. Add links to the following system assemblies: Cubes, Db, Dimensions, Dt, Metabase.

Sub CreateImportRequest;
    TextProvider: IDtTextProvider;
    Mb: IMetabase;
    RubDesc, NSIDesc: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
    CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
    Obj: IMetabaseObject;
    ImportRequestDef: IImportRequestDefinition;
    Params: IImportRequestProviderParams;
    Bindings: ICubeMetaLoaderBindings;
    Binding: ICubeMetaLoaderBinding;
// Data source for importing from text file
    TextProvider := New DtTextProvider.Create;
    TextProvider.File := 
    TextProvider.FormatType := DtTextFormatType.Delimited;
    TextProvider.DelimitedColumnDelimiter := 
    TextProvider.DelimitedTextQualifier := 
    TextProvider.Encoding := 
    TextProvider.RangeHasHeader := 
// Create an import schema
    Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    RubDesc := Mb.ItemById(
    NSIDesc := Mb.ItemById(
// Import object
    CrInfo := Mb.CreateCreateInfo;
    CrInfo.ClassId := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_IMPORTREQUEST;
    CrInfo.Id := 
    CrInfo.Name := 
"Import object";
    CrInfo.Parent := RubDesc.Bind;
    Obj := Mb.CreateObject(CrInfo).Edit;
// Set up source
    ImportRequestDef := Obj As IImportRequestDefinition;
    ImportRequestDef.SourceType := ImportRequestSourceType.Provider;
    ImportRequestDef.DestinationRubricator := RubDesc.Bind 
As IRubricator;
// Import parameters
    Params := ImportRequestDef.ProviderParams;
    Params.Provider := TextProvider 
As IDatasetDataProvider;
    Params.NewRevisionName := 
"Factors import";
    Params.ImportObjectKey := Obj.Key;
    Params.LoadType := CubeMetaLoaderLoadType.CreateAndUpdate;
    Bindings := Params.Bindings;
// Attributes binding
    // Calendar
    Binding := Bindings.Add;
    Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Calendar;
    Binding.CalendarOptions.Levels := DimCalendarLevelSet.Year;
    Binding.ByColumns := 
    Binding.CalendarDateFormat := 
    Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
    Binding.Field := 
    Binding.EndField := 
// Measurement units
    Binding := Bindings.Add;
    Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Unit;
    Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
    Binding.Field := 
    Binding.Dimension := Mb.ItemByIdNamespace(
"UNITS", NSIDesc.Key).Bind As IDimensionModel;
    Binding.Index := 
    Binding.KeyAttribute := 
// Frequency
    Binding := Bindings.Add;
    Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Attribute;
    Binding.Attribute := 
    Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.ConstValue;
    Binding.FieldValue := DimCalendarLevel.Year;
// Countries
    Binding := Bindings.Add;
    Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Attribute;
    Binding.Attribute := 
    Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Name;
    Binding.Field := 
    Binding.CheckField := 
    Binding.Dimension := Mb.ItemByIdNamespace(
"COUNTRY", NsiDesc.Key).Bind As IDimensionModel;
    Binding.Index := 
    Binding.KeyAttribute := 
    Binding.NameAttribute := 
// Binding by index of all fields with values
    Binding := Bindings.Add;
    Binding.BindingType := CubeMetaLoaderBindingType.Value;
    Binding.FieldType := CubeMetaLoaderFieldType.Index;
    Binding.Field := 
    // Same code blocks by binding other fields with values
    // Only field number is changed in each block
    // Save import schema
End Sub CreateImportRequest;

On executing the example an time series import object is created from the C:\result.txt file. In this object the user can set up calendar parameters and parameters of binding attributes of the time series database to fields with data.

See also:
