

The IFormulaTransformModel interface contains properties and methods allowing to set up parameters calculated series parameters.


  Property name Brief description
AutoPeriod The AutoPeriod property determines conditions that are used to calculate borders of sample and forecasting periods.
AllowForecastBeforeIdent The AllowForecastBeforeIdent property determines whether forecasting period can be before sample period
ForecastEndDate The ForecastEndDate property determines forecasting period end date.
ForecastEndDateParamId The ForecastEndDateParamId property determines an identifier of the parameter specifying forecasting period end date.
ForecastEndOffset The ForecastEndOffset property determines the number of periods to shift the forecasting period end date.
ForecastStartDate The ForecastStartDate property determines a forecasting period start date.
ForecastStartDateOffset The ForecastStartDateOffset property determines the number of periods to shift the forecasting period start date.
ForecastStartDateParamId The ForecastStartDateParamId property determines an identifier of the parameter setting the forecasting period start date.
IdentificationEndDate The IdentificationEndDate property determines sample period end date.
IdentificationEndDateParamId The IdentificationEndDateParamId property determines an identifier of the parameter specifying the sample period end date.
IdentificationEndOffset The IdentificationEndOffset property determines the number of periods to shift the sample period end date.
IdentificationStartDate The IdentificationStartDate property determines a sample period start date.
IdentificationStartDateParamId The IdentificationStartDateParamId property determines an identifier of the parameter setting the sample period start date.
IdentificationStartOffset The IdentificationEndOffset property determines the number of periods to shift the sample period end date.
InputVariable The InputVariable property returns the input series by its index.
InputVariableCount The InputVariableCount property returns the number of input series.
PeriodSet The PeriodSet property determines parameters of series calculation period.
Transform The Transform property returns the object that enables the user to set up calculation method parameters.
UsePeriod The UsePeriod property determines whether the specified sample and forecasting periods are used for series calculation.


  Method name Brief description
AddInputVariable The AddInputVariable property adds an input series.
IsInputVariableUsed The IsInputVariableUsed property determines whether data source can be used as an input series.
RemoveInputVariable The RemoveInputVariable property removes an input series.
RestoreFromFormulaData The RestoreFromFormulaData method restores the calculated series by the specified data of the formula.
UpdateInputVariable The UpdateInputVariable method updates an input series.
UpdateOutputVariable The UpdateOutputVariable method updates an output series.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces