
Assembly: Cubes;


The IExportRequestParams interface is used to set up parameters of time series export.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To get parameters of time series export, use the IExportRequestDefinition.Exporter property.


  Property name Brief description
AutoPeriod The AutoPeriod property returns parameters of time series export period.
Bindings The Bindings property determines bindings of attributes of the time series database with data consumer fields.
ByColumns The ByColumns property determines whether calendar elements are arranged in columns.
CalendarLevel The CalendarLevel property determines a data drillthrough level.
CalendarLevelSet The CalendarLevelSet property determines a set of calendar frequencies, which data must be exported.
ClearBeforeExport The ClearBeforeExport property determines whether data consumer is cleared before export.
Consumer The Consumer property determines an object that is a data consumer.
ExportMode The ExportMode property determines a time series export mode.
Filters The Filters property determines filtering parameters for exported time series by series attributes.
FiltersSelectionSet The FiltersSelectionSet property determines the selection of dictionaries, according to which factors are filtered in the export object.
RowCount The RowCount property determines the maximum number of exported rows.
Rubricator The Rubricator property determines the exported time series database.
ValueFilters The ValueFilters property determines filtering parameters for exported time series by observation attributes.
WhereIsEmpty The WhereIsEmpty property determines whether to export time series, for which the attribute of emptiness is set.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces