

The ICubeModelAlternateSource interface contains properties and methods used for parameters of alternative data source settings.


  Property name Brief description
AutoSaveToStorage The AutoSaveToStorage determines whether data is stored in alternative cube automatically or not.
Destination The Destination property returns parameters of cube display version with this alternative data source.
Dimension The Dimension property returns parameters of the dimension added to the dimensions list. The data will be loaded from the alternative cube by coordinates of these dimensions.
DimensionCount The DimensionCount property returns the number of dimensions added to the dimensions list. The data will be loaded from the alternative cube by coordinates of these dimensions.
Source The Source property determines a cube used as an alternative data source.
UseExecute The UseExecute property determines whether data will be obtained before calculation from alternative cube or not.
UseStorage The UseStorage property determines whether data is stored in alternative cube or not.


  Method name Brief description
AddDimension The AddDimension property adds an alternative cube dimension to the dimensions list. The data will be selected based on the elements of these dimensions.
RemoveDimension The RemoveDimension property removes alternative dimension from the dimensions list. The data will be loaded from the alternative cube by coordinates of dimensions.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces | Using Alternative Data Source in Standard Cube