

DictionaryRemapings: ICubeMetaUpdateDictionaryRemapings;


The DictionaryRemapings property returns the collection of correspondences between objects of the copied time series database and objects of database copy.


If a time series database is copied from one repository to another, the MDM dictionaries in the consumer repository must be the clones of the initial repository's dictionaries.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the FC identifier that contains custom attributes of the COUNTRY and INDICATOR factors. Attributes are unique and refer to the dictionaries. It also must contain an MDM repository with the MDM_REPO_COPY1 identifier that is a clone of MDM repository for the time series database.

Sub Main;


mb: IMetabase;

RubUpdateEx: ICubeMetaUpdateEx;

Rub: IRubricator;

Progress: IMetabaseUpdateProgress;

CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;

s: string;

DictRemapings: ICubeMetaUpdateDictionaryRemapings;

DictRemap: ICubeMetaUpdateDictionaryRemaping;

Attr: IMetaAttributes;

RepoCopy, SourceDict: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;


mb := MetabaseClass.Active;

RubUpdateEx := New CubeMetaUpdateClass.Create As ICubeMetaUpdateEx;

Rub := mb.ItemById("FC").Bind As IRubricator;

RubUpdateEx.Rubricator := Rub;

RubUpdateEx.Metabase := Mb;

CrInfo := RubUpdateEx.CreateInfo;

CrInfo.Parent := mb.Root;

s := Mb.GenerateId("FC_COPY");

CrInfo.Id := s;

CrInfo.Name := s;

RepoCopy := mb.ItemById("RDS_REPO_COPY1");

RubUpdateEx.RdsDatabase := RepoCopy.Bind As IRdsDatabase;

DictRemapings := RubUpdateEx.DictionaryRemapings;


// Set correspondence to the COUNTRY attribute.

DictRemap := DictRemapings.Add;

Attr := Rub.Facts.Attributes;

SourceDict := Attr.FindById("COUNTRY").ValuesObject;

DictRemap.SourceId := SourceDict.Id;

DictRemap.SourceKey := SourceDict.Key;

DictRemap.Target := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("DICT_CTR_COPY1", RepoCopy.Key);

// Set correspondence to the INDICATOR attribute.

DictRemap := DictRemapings.Add;

SourceDict := Attr.FindById("INDICATOR").ValuesObject;

DictRemap.SourceId := SourceDict.Id;

DictRemap.SourceKey := SourceDict.Key;

DictRemap.Target := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("DICT_IND_COPY1", RepoCopy.Key);

// Set correspondence to the units.

DictRemap := DictRemapings.Add;

SourceDict := Attr.FindByKind(MetaAttributeKind.Unit).ValuesObject;

DictRemap.SourceId := SourceDict.Id;

DictRemap.SourceKey := SourceDict.Key;

DictRemap.Target := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("UNITS_COPY1", RepoCopy.Key);


End Sub Main;

After executing the example the FC time series database is copied to the repository root. The identifier of the copy is FC_COPY. The copy saves data in the MDM_REPO_COPY1 repository. Correspondences are set between dictionaries of this repository and the repository of the copied database.

See also:
