
Assembly: Cubes;


The ICubeMetaLoaderLogEntry interface contains properties that are used to work with a record of the report on the results of factors loading.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
DateBegin The DateBegin property returns the date and time of record creation.
DestField The DestField property returns the number of the field in the data consumer.
DestRecord The DestRecord property returns the number of record in the data consumer.
ErrorCode The ErrorCode property returns code of error.
ErrorMessage The ErrorMessage property returns text of record.
ExtraField The ExtraField property returns value of an extra field that was added to a report.
Field The Field property returns the field that caused an error.
IsError The IsError property determines whether the record is an error message.
IsMessage The IsMessage property returns whether the current record is an information message.
IsWarning The IsWarning property determines whether the record is a warning.
RecordNumber The RecordNumber property returns a record number.
SourceField The SourceField property returns number of the field in a data source.
SourceRecord The SourceRecord property returns number of the record in a data source.
ValueRecordNumber The ValueRecordNumber returns number of error record on the observation level.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces